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Educational toys are indispensable playmates in children's growth stage. Along with children's growth, Piaget's exploration of cognitive development theory is very innovative and inspiring. Any children who can do it by themselves should be actively encouraged. They explore the design process of educational toys, it is not conducive to the development of children's imagination. With the continuous development of social economy and scientific and technological levels, the design of educational toys should return to the original, especially for groups such as children, and their psychological development should be respected. Therefore, in the future, we should improve our country with more innovative and comprehensive theoretical results. Children's educational toy design system, to improve the design level of children's toys in my country.

The following is a list of contents:

·Safety in educational toys

·Ease of use of Educational Toys

·The versatility of educational toys

Safety in educational toys

The main users of preschool educational toys are children, and the primary task when designing them is to ensure the safety of the toys. As long as educational toys are safe, they will be favored by parents of children. Referring to Maslow's Hierarchy Theory, when physiological needs are achieved, safety needs should be ensured. Educational toys should be designed with safe, reliable, non-toxic materials, a solid structure, and a rounded, non-angular shape to achieve safety.

Ease of use of Educational Toys

Based on the safety of educational toys, parents value the ease of use of educational toys. Ease of use of a product includes effectiveness, learnability, and adaptability. The effectiveness of educational toys is reflected in the fact that children can play alone without the company of their parents; the ease of learning means that educational toys need to be able to allow parents to quickly understand how to use them and convey them to their children; adaptability means that educational toys can meet different needs use by children.

The versatility of educational toys

Educational toys can meet the physiological needs of children: children have a lively and playful nature, and will gradually like all kinds of educational toys such as DIY or splicing combinations. Designers can design interactive preschool educational toys from the starting point of exercising children's physical coordination and muscle strength; when designing the size of educational toys, they should refer to the corresponding preschool children's height and weight data to meet their physiological needs; Educational toys can also meet the psychological needs of children: children like specific images and materials in games and abstract language should be avoided in the design of educational toys; children like to imitate, easy to be emotional, and the design of educational toys should be Guide children's cognition and promote children's development in a good way; children are very curious and thirst for knowledge at this stage, designers should add scientific knowledge to the design of educational toys to promote children's intellectual development; educational toys can satisfy Children's emotional needs Children's emotions are determined by needs and expectations. When such needs and expectations are met, they will have positive emotions such as happiness and pleasure. Just as the alien juicer designed by Philip Stark is a product that opens up conversations at parties, perhaps educational toys will also become the starting point of entertainment for children and friends. If this is a cooperative educational toy, children will happily invite their friends to join the game; if this is a very interesting educational toy, children can feel proud when introducing them to their friends. Considering the elements of preschool toy design in terms of emotion, the meaning of the product, the influence of ideas, the sharing of experience, and the value of culture should be considered.

Before designing educational toys, our company will conduct an in-depth investigation and understanding of the research object to determine its method requirements and purpose requirements. Children are an important stage in the development of the entire human society, and the physical and mental health of children should be paid attention to by people from all walks of life. As a company that sells educational toys, we will consider various factors in the design of educational toys, to promote the healthy physical and mental development of children and contribute to the prosperity of society. After reading the above content, if you are interested in educational toys, you can check our company's website, we look forward to your arrival.